Meet the Escapees - Kylie Harris

Kylie Harris

I'll never forget the first time I met fact it was on the hike where this pic below was taken, as Werribee Gorge.  She had joined the group, and almost immediately had signed up for a hike.  And there she was, all big smiles, bright tights and bundles of enthusiasm!  And you know what, before the hike was over, we were already talking about her helping with leading hikes.  And after that hike, on the same day, she drove down to Geelong to do a You Yangs hike, now thats dedication!She's now one of our awesome leaders, always thinking of new and exciting places to go.  I'm so glad you chose us Kylie, the group is so much brighter for having you!

Tell us a bit about yourself Kylie

Hi! I’m Kylie. I live in Melbourne’s western suburbs with my partner and our fur child. I work in the music industry as a PA & tour coordinator, and I am also a volunteer Girl Guides Leader. I love live music, being outdoors, watching and playing sport and exploring new places.

Tell us what you do for fun?

Hike, swim, explore & discover new (to me) places, indulge in too much coffee with friends, check out live bands, chase my cat around for cuddles and daydream about property I’ll never afford.

What triggered you to come along to your first Escaping Your Comfort Zone hike?

I discovered the group via another bushwalking group, and was so excited to have found “my people”; like-minded women who just want to get out there, see new places and try new things. The first event I saw pop up on the EYCZ group was at Werribee Gorge, a place I’d always wanted to check out, but wasn’t brave enough to do so on my own. Knowing I’d be with a group of like-minded, supportive women encouraged me to go along, and I am SO glad I did. I truly escaped my comfort zone that day with the wire rope rock climb section, and if it was for the wonderful EYCZ ladies cheering me on, I would have chickened out, but I didn’t, and I felt a real sense of achievement afterwards.

And what made you keep coming back to more hikes? 

It was such a wonderful day at Werribee Gorge, and I was so happy to have made some lovely new friends so quickly. The excitement of seeing new places, the friendship and support from the wonderful women and the thrill of the challenges I have overcome since my first hike with EYCZ is what keeps me coming back for more.

I’d love to know how the hikes changed how you feel about yourself.

Absolutely! I now realise that I am capable of so much more than I thought I was. This quote from Sir Edmund Hillary sums up the realisation for me: “It is not the mountain we conquer but ourselves.”

What would you say to someone who thinks they are too unfit, slow, nervous or anxious to come along?

You will be totally fine, in fact you will have an absolute ball, so come along and give it a go! I was nervous and worried about my speed and fitness level before my first hike with EYCZ, but I felt at ease instantly upon meeting everyone (they were all so genuine and nice!), and I realised that it doesn’t matter how slow or unfit you may be, everyone looks out for each other, encourages one another and the golden rule is nobody gets left behind.

Where is your favourite place to hike, and why?

The You Yangs is a special place to me. It’s quite local to where I live, and it’s where I discovered that “this hiking thing” is super beneficial to my mental and physical wellbeing. I love that there are trails there suitable for all experience levels, and you get such a great view over Corio Bay and the Werribee Plains.

Any other thoughts?

I’m so happy I joined EYCZ, it has been one of the best decisions of my life, and I look forward to so many more amazing adventures over the years!


Where do I find plus size hiking pants?


But what if I come last? The view from the back of the pack